Medical Weight-Loss options have been all over the media for a few years now, and the impact it can have on the user’s life is unbelievable.

This is Mary. Her experience with medical weight loss in Philadelphia completely changed her life. 

Always a skinny kid, when high school was over and team-sports practice ceased being a part of everyday life, she watched with dismay as the numbers on the scale kept increasing. At her heaviest point she weighed 235-pounds, and over the course of the past 20-years Mary tried every diet, workout, cleanse, weight-losing option available short of gastric-bypass. Each new weight-loss endeavor in Philadelphia would work as long as she devoted 110% of her energy, will-power, and time to it, and then inevitably living life in a way that required self-restraint 24/7 was unsustainable and made each plan eventually fail. As so often occurs, Mary went through a vicious cycle of losing a little weight, and then gaining it all back (plus some), losing a little weight, gaining it all back (plus a little more). This went of for years, until Mary sadly accepted that it was her fate to live like this; tired everyday, painful joints, no energy, always hot, and always self-conscious of her body. Then she tried Semaglutide.

All of a sudden, her food-noise stopped. She didn’t have to fight cravings every second of the day, and her body made it hard to keep eating past the point of satiation. Technically she was on a reduced-calorie “diet”, but it didn’t feel like a diet because to be successful she just had to listen to her body’s cues. (When using a GLP-1 like Semaglutide you feel nauseous if you eat the wrong foods like pasta and candy, or eat too much quantity). The pounds seemed to melt away. 

Over the course of 9-months, Mary lost 95-pounds. For the first time in her adult life, she can shop in any Philadelphia store she wants and wear any style of clothing that appeals to her. As if by magic, her joint-pain disappeared. She feels energized, and her confidence has sky-rocketed.

Medical weight-loss with Semaglutide at our Philadelphia office consists of a weekly administration of the medicine, specially dosed to your needs. Semaglutide reduces cravings, appetite, and food-noise. Under the proper guidance, Semaglutide makes it so easy to shed unhealthy weight and live life in a healthier way.

At About Face Aesthetics in Philadelphia, we do lab-work on every prospective Semaglutide candidate to make sure the treatment is completely safe for them, and offer various package options to set up each person on the best path to long term success. Options can include Fitness and Diet Coaching with local Philadelphia experts at Zarett Fitness and Key Nutrition LLC, or just the medication. Monthly check-ins help us to make sure patients are getting the most effective dosing, and having the most comfortable experience with it.

For more information on scheduling a Semaglutide consultation for Medical Weight-Loss in Philadelphia, please click here or call us at 215-923-5001.

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